Demonstration of technology for procedural animation facial micro-expressions. This technology includes: head rotation, eye movement, contraction of the muscles of the face. For my project.

I watched it full screen on my monitor. My room is usually dimly lit. My comments are about your video. I made them with the intention of helping. The fact you have just said the camera is usually further from this NPC, makes the issue worse. not many players will notice your animation. you need to consider, what do you want. what is most important? if you want people to notice the animation, you need to fix the erratic animation of her dress, you need to improve the lighting, and you need to create situations where the camera is closer to her face. if your players do not get close to her, if her dress is constantly moving erratically, if your lighting is dark blue, players will never see your animation and you will be wasting your time on it. I am saying this as advice. I think your system is really nice, but you need to think about how it comes across to your audience.

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