Denial not attending UMG


2015-04-26 16:47:59 UTC

In all seriousness though how many top teams need to show up to an event to make it a major in call of dutys eyes ? In all games it changes.


2015-04-26 16:50:19 UTC

@DenialCEO think the main issue with UGC is the date. A $20k event should be attended by much more top teams, but just unfortunate timing...


2015-04-26 16:51:00 UTC

@prophAcid No. No Pro teams should not attend unless it is 50k Prize pool.


2015-04-26 16:54:53 UTC

@DenialCEO well UMG is $35k and I guess you guys will be there? Gfinity is $25k. Shold we not be attending these, I'm confused...


2015-04-26 16:59:14 UTC

@prophAcid We will not be attending UMG and Gfinity is something we are attending while in another country.

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