Dennis Bowman arrested for the 1980 murder of Kathleen Doyle; Bowman's adoptive daughter Aundria went missing in 1989 after she alleged that he sexually abused her.

I was horrendously abused as a child in the early 1990's. Anytime I tried to stand-up for myself or defend myself, the police were called and I ended-up spending 3 months in jail where I was raped twice. The system is fucked beyond belief in favor of the "adults" who abuse children. Any time a child accuses an adult of abuse, that child and the adult they've accused need to be separated immediately. If the child made the accusation in err, then the state's out a few dollars. If the child's made a genuine accusation, and the state forces the child to continue to live with the accused, you've created a murder victim. And honestly, the only reason I didn't murder my abuser, is because it's what she wanted. She wanted me to kill her, and spend the rest of my life in prison. This would have been her ultimate victory. Now, she's alone, 75 years old, dying slowly in isolation. She's reached out to me, offered me hundreds of thousands of dollars. Anything she leaves me in her will, will go immediately to charity without ever having passed through my hands. I have sent a child abuser to hell.

/r/UnresolvedMysteries Thread