Dependa Merch at its finest..

Unpopular opinion. Military wife here, were not all like this. My hubby and I have very few hours together during the day. Maybe 2-3 hours together a night and most of it is spent cooking dinner and cleaning. The only full days we get together is weekend and every fourth day he has a "duty day" and has to stay at base all day and night and doesn't get to come home to me. Sometimes that falls on a weekend day. Most likely a Sunday. And on Saturdays I work at my job, (along with during the week) so if we get rlly unlucky like last weekend, we got Friday night together, about 4 hours, I worked on Saturday, then we had to go to bed super early so he could wake up at 4 am to report to base and not come home until like 7 pm the next day... When he's gone I work and do most the chores. Being a military wife is not a "sacrifice" like some dependas say it is, we chose this and had to cope with the reality of it. But I do get where some of their frustration comes from. with just this schedule itself it's tough, and that's not even counting the 9 month deployments every other year just about.... So yeah we're not all lazy but I love seeing shit like this bc it's funny as fuck lol

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