I have depression in community college. I'm overwhelmed. Building cars was supposed to be my emotional crutch, but I don't even have enough money for a car that'll keep me happy.

I think you have some serious issues with your perspective on things. You need at the very least a major reality check, and possibly more. Some of the things I will say sound harsh but they are meant with the best intentions.

Building / modding a car was supposed to be my emotional crutch

Who the hell has been telling you that you need an 'emotional crutch'? That's a terrible idea. The only thing an emotional crutch can do is slip out from under you and make you fall flat on your face.

I tried to see if I could find a girlfriend to use as my inspiration to succeed , and emotional crutch

That is seriously fucked up. See above, plus this time you are using another human being. That attitude puts you right on the road to either being a desperate forever alone, or an asshole who can only get women to stay around for any time through abusive/controlling behaviour. Do you not even realise what you are saying there is fucked up? It makes me wonder if you are trolling.

I know exercise is an option, but I just can't commit , it just doesn't bring me the same joy as it would from looking at a personalized car and admiring your own work everyday.

What the hell kind of reasoning is that? "There's a thing I can do now that might make me feel better, but I won't bother because I'd rather dream about doing something else that's not possible". That is absolutely retarded as fuck. You need to find a way to stop thinking like that or you will fuck up your whole life.

And how do you know how much joy it would bring you compared to exercise? For sure it would be great to start with, getting cool stuff is always great, but is that going to last? Exercise is something that chemically makes your brain work and feel better with a bunch of other benefits and that never goes away.

I also wish my community college wasn't so demotivating, people seem kinda immature, feels like a high school.

Don't kid yourself about stuff like this, it's a very bad road to go down - that's a classic 'neckbeard' attitude - "I'm different/smart/more mature than everyone else" "No one understands me". Yeah right.

This post reads like a jumble of random thoughts and you didn't ask a single question despite coming here to seek advice. Get your shit together and think about what you are doing and saying. Not speaking about this post, I get the impression that's likely true with other things like your work and you aren't aware of it.

/r/needadvice Thread