Depression is Political

I am depressed because I live in a white-supremacist, patriarchal, capitalist world.

Interesting. I thought there were like 50 countries in Africa run by black people. I thought also there are a few communist countries in the world to move to as well.

White supremacist police state? I wonder how much this genius knows about Mugabe's police in Zimbabwe, or the police brutality in 50 other African countries.

I am depressed because the State has purposely made it difficult for black families like mine to survive.

So trillions of dollars in welfare since the new deal is nothing huh.

I am depressed because I don’t know if I’m going to know how it feels to be free.

Would she care to name a freer country than the one she choose to remain in?

It feels as though this country and its cohabitants are constantly gaslighting you.

Planes leave for Lagos Nigeria every day.

My depression is the direct result of anti-blackness and all of the cruelty that this country has shown to black people.

So anti-black that a black man has been president for 50% of this century so far. So anti-black it gave black people trillions in welfare.

It shows the capability of the state, the level of fascism, and organized badge wearing white supremacists.

The 'badge wearing white supremacists' who kill hundreds more white people than black people... yeah...

I think about what if I would have stayed and was arrested, would they have murdered me, and if so, would they try to cover it up as a suicide? I wonder if they would use my depression to aid in their cover up.

Wow, usually people are in legitimate fear of being murdered by their state become refugees and flee to another country, like maybe one of the over 50 countries in Africa run by non white supremacist black people.

I know that we live in a surveillance state, but I refuse to be silenced about the violence that is consistently being inflicted onto me and others.

Constant violence, surveillance state, sounds like she should head for the airport and move to Nigeria or somewhere safe from all the evil white people she hates.

This article is garbage. It's nothing but cult of victimhood anti-white racist leftism. It's SAD what has happened to this woman's mind. It's been poisoned by leftist lies.

If that absolutely pathetic screed is the 'most beautiful piece of political activism you've ever seen' then you need to get out more.

You can find her writing on,, and her last article "When White Men Rape", on For Harriet.

When white men rape huh? What about when black men rape?

This woman is just a fuckwit. She believes any and all rape allegations are a proven fact. From Cosby to Woody Allen, she never met a celebrity rape accusation she didn't treat as if it was proven in a court of law,

There's literally NOTHING in her writing to tell me she has anything above a fourth grade understanding of life, the world, politics, race relations, or psychiatry. This doesn't belong in this sub. Writing a racist screed about a country she clearly hates, filled with people she clearly hates, founded by a people she clearly hates, and claiming her feeling sad isn't a health problem, hardly qualifies as some 'eloquent' analysis.

She should write for Mad in America thought. They love that kind of shit there. They also love human rights abusers and give them platforms. They also censor the victims there too.

Just for laughs, here is a list of people she claims are rapists,

David Bowie, Hugh Hefner, Woody Allen, Roman Polanski, Jimmy Page, James Franco (who, within the past couple of years, attempted to arrange a hotel hook-up with a 17-year-old girl), Bill Clinton, Ben Roethlisberger, Jerry Sandusky, Terry Richardson, Gerard Depardieu, Donald Trump, Bryan Singer, Jerry Seinfeld, and the many other white men of power and fame who continue to rape and sexually abuse women and girls with impunity and protection.

That's just garbage. Only like two of the men on that list, sorry, WHITE MEN, on that list have been found guilty in a court of law of anything.

(I wish the feminists and socialists could also start speaking out in the same way that "mental illness" is not an individual problem to be solved individually in therapy but a political one).

The problems name-called 'mental illness' most certainly and inarguably are often a personal, individual problem and can and are solved individually. That's not to deny culture and family and outside forces play a large role in many such problems, but if you wait for 'society' to solve your problems you'll be dead and buried before that ever happens. Individuals need to help themselves, it's the only way out of psychiatry.

/r/Antipsychiatry Thread