Deputies fatally shoot CNN security guard as he tried to help distressed son

How did I know that the victim would be black? It's predictable that there's an uproar about this, a seething rage, people fueling the racism. Not to say that isn't a tragedy and it isn't a terrible thing and the deputies should be sent straight to jail, which is standard procedure.

It's the hypocrisy of the majority that grinds me completely down, you see, this will be talked about and remembered for much longer for all the wrong reasons, than say, that 6 year old white child, killed by two police officers in the back of a car, strapped in by his fucking seatbelt, of which I've never heard a fucking peep in mainstream media, he's just another blip to everyone and I feel wrong for even pointing out the race of the police officers that shot the strapped in boy to pieces, but they were black, imagine if their races were reversed? Can you just imagine the uproar and the "sympathy" of the "liberal" status climbers? Using a death to further their apparent bleeding heart agenda.

I'm only mentioning it, is because my point is to address the hypocracy and the "white guilt", where mainly liberals use stories like this as a statement to say "see, I'm all for black people, I'm progessive, I'm not a white slave master you see", it's the truth, people are NOT as sympathizing as they seem, they use this hatred stirring, white guilt NONSENSE to further racism, just to be somewhat a little more respected by fellow peers, when in reality, they couldn't have a single fucking care in the world, a "popular" death would elates most people, even if they're too thick to realise it, white police officers shooting black people seems to be a big ol' story, a nice conversation starter.

R.I.P to the security guard, but fuck all the attention to your tragic death, so people can prove that they're good people, that they care, but they don't, no one does but the families and the personally acquainted, in reality, in the big picture, people just see this as just another death of many deaths that have happened around the world within the hour, but people have no problem using this guys death, hyped up by the race baiting cunts, to get some good karma.

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