Derealisation and constantly trying not to have a panic attack every day

Also to add please don't let people tell you this is just anxiety. If you are not actively anxious with thoughts behavioural patterns then no it's something more going on in the brain that isn't functioning.

I have had 'anxiety' severely for 4 years. Constant symptoms every single day. Benzos are the only thing that give me any sort of relief. Truth be told doctors and psychiatrists have no idea what is going on because there is no research or action being done to actively sort this common problem.

Please get to the doctors and try meds as they may just help you and as the above redditor suggested try benzos but only as prescribed as with relatively decent rest and sunlight you will feel a little better. I'm not gonna sugar coat this. It's a hell of a fight with this thing you have to float with it every day and every day brings new challenges. Theres times I wonder how the hell this all happened but that doesn't matter now. What matters is you and doing the best you can to try and feel better. Hang in there.

/r/Anxiety Thread