Derrick Jensen and his continuation of spreading transphobia

The whole trans thing is Exhibit A of why there will never be any kind of anarchist revolution. For radical environmentalists, there is one object-militant destruction of civilization. That's it. Jensen says, "future generations won't care if we're nice people, won't care about our organic community gardens, won't care if we rode bikes instead of drove cars or took shorter showers. They're only going to care about whether there's any water, soil, or clean air left". Why shouldn't we expand this to, "future generations won't care which pronouns you use to describe trans people, future generations won't care about the debate between transwomen and radical lesbian separatists regarding 'women's spaces'"? I know, I know, my manarchist male privilege is, yet again, sacrificing and subordinating women and their issues. You see, as bad as women may very well have it, what we face is a threat not just to the future existence of our species, not just the future existence of civilization, but the future existence of life itself. So that absolutely takes priority in my mind over trans and feminist issues. And radical environmentalists should be focused laser-like on the objective of destroying civilization by targeting infrastructure and by using any means possible to do that. Not by getting all offended by some opinion that someone wrote that differs from your opinion about gender. Salmon don't give a damn about humans and gender.

I don't mean to demean women or trans people, and I don't mean to say that they shouldn't fight their battles. The things they talk about are very important to them. And I understand all sides of this whole trans/rad fem debate and have my own opinions. It has been enlightening to read their material and see things from their perspectives. But I'm a male and while I do my best to challenge some of the Patriarchal stuff in my own mind and life, I will not take any of that into consideration when working with activists regarding environmentalism. Aric McBay, after he broke from DGR over the trans issue, said that he regretted ever having known Derrick Jensen and Lierre Keith! So you agree with absolutely everything else, have cowritten books, and on this one issue issue you not only simply disagree, not only will break from the group to found your own group, will not just break off your friendship with Keith and Jensen, but you regret ever having known them? Over this? I mean how fundamentalist can you get?

I'm not trans, but if I were I would be very skeptical about this fundamentalism over my gender identity and its power to rip apart what could otherwise be really great organizations and causes. Even the Occupy movement unravelled into this nonsense. The Occupy Movement should have been about one issue and one issue only-corporate personhood. That issue is the absolute root of all the other issues, including women's and trans person's issues. Corporate power in politics, in the economy, in religion, in every aspect of life directs the national conversation, the media, all our conceptions of all of these social issues. But the Occupy movement, like DGR has decided that rather than talking about the real issues that effect all of us-all of humanity, indeed life itself, they would rather than talk about people who make up about 0.01% of the population. And again, I'm not saying that trans issues aren't important or worth talking about, but when these issues hijack an organization whose central cause doesn't even have anything to do with trans people, it's like Boeing investors breaking up that company over disagreements on GMOs or something. I mean its oranges and apples.

Most people don't know what the difference is between a Baptists, a Methodist, a Presbyterian, or any of the other myriad Christian denominations. Most people don't care and when they do look to see what separates them they ask, "is that it?" Likewise are the differences between John Zerzan, the Unabomber, Jensen and Keith, Kevin Tucker, the "nihilist" anarcho-primitivists, Earth First, ALF, ELF, and all the other myriad little divisions within radical environmentalism. Most of them just bash each other not just their ideas but personally and over the most minor things. This issue is an example. This leads me to believe that none of these people or groups care about effective action or actually pursuing real goals. All they care about is selling books, documentaries, going on the lecture circuit and making a living off the movement. They're in a tight market and need to keep their competition in check by exacerbating these tiny little divisions and keeping their cults of personalities going. And is the reason we will never be able to create a real culture of resistance or be able to rise up and overthrow this out-of-control global techno-industrial system.

/r/Anarchism Thread