Des soldats français auraient forcé des jeunes filles à des actes de zoophilie

I found this analysis somewhere. There are a lot of other sources in French but here, it is in English.

Can anyone confirm or infirm this line of thought:

First the Anglos wanted to take Rwanda from us, so they organised a genocide with troops from nearby Uganda and invaded, blocked all attempts by the UN to act, pretending afterwards that it was the french all along who has done it.

Then after Rwanda was given to Kagamé and the OFFICIAL FUCKING LANGUAGE CHANGED FROM FRENCH TO ENGLISH, which is probably the hugest, most obvious red flag there ever was, for SOME REASON nearby Congo started getting into intense civil war, rapes, massacre, and general self-destruction.

Now, guess which country is next towards the north of former Belgian Congo?

Take a wild guess.


And the anglos are of course blaming us already.

First blame the french and then attack, then prevent the french from stopping the attack by refusing UN movement, then blame the french for the attack, and take another land where you can have more rape and pillage in countries that used to live peacefully under our post-empire.

"France was very active at the UN in the discussions about the reinforcement of the UNAMIR in May 1994. In front of the inertia of the international community, France obtained the backing of the UN to lead Opération Turquoise from June 22 to August 22, 1994."

"In the US, President Bill Clinton and US Ambassador to the UN Madeleine Albright repeatedly refused to take action.[24] US government documents declassified in 2004 indicate the Clinton administration knew Rwanda was being engulfed by genocide in April 1994, but buried the information to justify its inaction."

The convenient excuse is that Somalia was a failure the year prior, so they didn't want to repeat the same operations. But that's utter bullshit since the control of the country clearly fell in the hands of anglos afterwards.

"Regardless, President Faust: America, not just its high learning institutions, but many other groups, religious, non-religious, even the US government, have been played for fools by Paul Kagame and his Tutsi extremists, who have used the billions they’ve stolen from Congo’s minerals in order to “donate”, buy and corrupt everyone. Those individuals and institutions they couldn’t buy, they’ve used Rwanda’s Ubwenge (Ugbenge), to mislead and manipulate them (this is why, per Anthropology, only foolish nations and institutions go and deal with a people without a clear knowledge of their culture)."

"Few realize that a main force driving this conflict has been the largely Tutsi army of neighboring Rwanda, along with several Congolese groups supported by Rwanda. The reason for this involvement, according to Rwandan president Paul Kagame, is the continued threat to Rwanda posed by the Democratic Forces for the Liberation of Rwanda (FDLR), a Hutu militia that includes remnants of the army that carried out the 1994 Rwandan genocide. Until now, the US and other Western powers have generally supported Kagame diplomatically." "But the extent of the Hutu threat to Rwanda is much debated, and observers note that Rwandan-backed forces have themselves been responsible for much of the violence in eastern Congo over the years." "As Kagame installed a minority Tutsi regime in Rwanda, some two million Hutu refugees fled to UN-run camps, mostly in Congo’s North and South Kivu provinces. These provinces, which occupy an area of about 48,000 square miles—slightly larger than the state of Pennsylvania—are situated along Congo’s eastern border with Uganda, Rwanda, and Burundi and together have a population of more than five million people. In addition to containing rich deposits of minerals, North and South Kivu have, since the precolonial era, been subject to large waves of migration by people from Rwanda" So the guy "saves" his country from genocide and every other ethnicity runs away from him. How trustworthy. "Following Kagame’s consolidation of power in Rwanda, a large invasion force of Rwandan Tutsis arrived in North and South Kivu to pursue Hutu militants and to launch a war against the three-decade-long dictatorship of Congo (then known as Zaire) by Mobutu Sese Seko, whom they claimed was giving refuge to the leaders of the genocide. With Rwandan and Ugandan support, a new regime led by Laurent Kabila was installed in Kinshasa, the Congolese capital. But after Kabila ordered the Rwandan troops to leave in 1998, Kagame responded with a new and even larger invasion of the country."

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