Describe this trio in only 1 word

They were but at the end of the way, they got rejected by taking a different path where they can feel good to be with.

Amity doesn't care to be popular, she only wants real friends which that's why Boscha said she destroyed her social life. However, Amity does feel she uses the place to be more time far away from her parents too but at the same time yes, I don't know if Amity is still being praised despite being a prodigy in Abomination Magic.

Lilith left her position from EC and she is with her mother now. Lilith is nothing.

Hunter wants to help his Uncle but at the same time, the relationship won't go well and he really needs to escape from him since it seems that Belos will use him in a bad way. Once Hunter lefts Belos, he will be nothing too.

Or maybe I'm wrong. Basically TOH is supposed to be the Family Found House.

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