Do I deserve this treatment?

I lost a 2 year relationship that was amazing over the same thing. It is a tough situation since she doesnt understand your passion for it to her its a stupid game, literally the same in every element with the ghosting and the just out of nowhere just done. I will say youre both at fault in the sense of you should clearly see how it made her felt even if you felt it was irrational or unfair, but she's no better because she shouldve voiced how much of a problem it was before just ending things. It sucks im sorry pal but you gotta understand they will take it personal, and they arent innocent either because as shown in the watching you sleep for hours comment she hiding how she feels which doesnt help anything. But overall if you play more games then you spend time with her youre doing it wrong. Also arent allowed to turn down snu snu thatll get things messed up quick.

/r/NoStupidQuestions Thread