I deserve what happened to me, don’t I?

Bro not everyone hates you. Idk you but from what I’ve seen on this app you seem like you really want to change and guess what? There’s always time for that.

Honestly, find a routine of some sort and stick with it. When I’m full of stress/anxiety I tend to overthink and have bad stomach aches. What I do to relieve some of this tension is going to a park/beach/lake or forest what have you and just walk around. I put on my music and just be in the moment. Focus on your surroundings and your breathe.

The last thing you need to do is (this will sound mean but this is my opinion) going on places like reddit and talk about how fucked up your life is. If you don’t have close friends on reddit then 100% of the strangers don’t really care. You’re opening the door to possible trolls. Just reach out to friends IRL or try therapy?

Be real with yourself take a step back and fully understand why you’re at this point in life. Focus on things you can change and don’t waste your times on stuff you have no power over.

/r/askgaybros Thread