Why do desi parents' brag so much about their kids?

My brother got married in 2010. It was an arranged marriage that was hastily forced on my brother because he was "bringing shame to the family" by fucking various women, partying constantly, smoking weed, drinking liquor and basically not being what my parents wanted him to be: a good Muslim boy.

The girl he married was supposedly in medical school in Pakistan. When my parents and brother went to Pakistan for the marriage, it turned out my brother's soon-to-be bride had just taken a few science classes and was planning to become a doctor. She never got into the program.

My parents started reconsidering the marriage, but in order to avoid embarrassing themselves and the bride's family, they went through with the arranged marriage anyway.

My brother is still married to this day. His wife moved with him in the United States around 2012, but she is not a doctor. Neither my brother nor sister-in-law is happy with each other, but because they're Muslims, they are staying together anyway. Divorce is a sin or some shit. I don't fucking know. I don't know the laws of Islam.

Desi parents lie. The girl's parents lied and said she was studying to become a doctor. My parents lied and said my brother is a good Muslim boy with ambitions. The second part is true. My brother and I run a business together and we make decent money, but if you asked my parents about it, we're both professional millionaires. Everyone in our extended family believes it, too.

/r/ABCDesis Thread