Despite eating in a deficit, I’ve been stuck at the same weight and seemingly gaining weight.

Questjon back to you:Was the weight you gained muscle, water or fat ?

My advice??

Don't look at weight really. Body fat percentage is what we need. Add measurements as well (specifically waist and hip as wasit to hip ratio is important as a predictor for longterm health)

Weight includes muscle.

Weight includes body water.

Weight include bone mass.

These are all good things we'd like ( I'm assuming to improve while Weight is going off) weight can be misleading as In a week we may lose 2 lbs of fat.... Gain 0.2 of muscles.... and when we weigh in be extra hydrated with 1.9lbs of water. well now we are actually up in weight at weigh in. but we have lowered our body fat percentage. less of our overall mass is fat.

Weight is overhyped. it's a measure of how HEAVY you are. not how fat you are. Body fat percentage is how much fat we have and an indicator of health.

I'm 6'7 255 and 11 percent fat currently (yah I'd like to lose a bit more right now). I'd love my weight to stay the same or improve but drop my body fat closer to 8 (where I feel best at).

Hope this helps my friend. I have no idea if what I said above is helpful or too ranty and confusing lol

Cheers from Toronto Strength.

/r/loseit Thread