Jesus christ man, people have been passionately bitching about how they want this game to step away from being so PvP focused, and what does this "update" tell us all, it's biggest section is a bunch of bullet points related to crucible nonsense.

This "update" means nothing to me because as far as I'm concerned shit like "we'll be letting you know in the coming months what's coming" just sounds like "this is an update on when you'll be getting another update."

Is any of this designed at all to try and get players who left to come back? Not in my opinion. What it should've said is "we're dropping a big healthy slab of content worthy of a expansion price-tag for free as an apology for being so tone deaf, in the future we want to work harder to leave you feeling excited for Destiny 2 and the adventures you'll have in it" none of this "stay tuned for more news!" Ugh, how shitty and predictable was this. I could've typed up some of this stuff in my sleep as a rebuttal to people's complaints.

Sorry Bungie, this update "rolling out over months" isn't gonna be a enough to pry me away from the stuff I've already moved on to. In a world where PUBG for example is now on console, you seriously expect me to get hyped for fuckin' Crucible changes? Big deal. The Crucible is the worst part of this game.

Pretty sad that Warframe can drop a free to play big expansion like Plains of Eidolon on it's community no sweat, but over at Bungo the best they've got is "We'll let you know in a few more months what's coming, in the mean time enjoy some half-assed rewards for the next upcoming half-assed iron banner.

/r/DestinyTheGame Thread