Destiny 2 - Last Wish "Raid Along" | A really cool and insightful video by the developers of the Last Wish raid as they walk you through it step by step

I'm going to disagree with you.

Matchmaking for raids is just a bad idea. The simple truth is that there are players out there (quite a lot, in fact, in every game) that just don't care about putting in the effort to learn the mechanics or try to help out their team. If they can join a matchmade raid at 1 in the morning when they're half asleep with their mic shut off and Spotify in the background and expect to be carried through it, then it's just a bad time for everyone.

A lot of people don't use mics, maybe some of them don't speak the same language as the others they are match made with (being a Texas, I get put up with a lot of Mexicans and Spanish speakers when I game), etc.

Raids require communication and commitment, and most players aren't willing to do either of those things in 2019.

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