Destiny 2 Update

Hey so I'm just thinking about jumping into the game now, after reading some articles about it being in a much healthier spot than on launch.

I feel very intimidated, but Destiny 1 and 2 always seemed like the perfect game for me, but Destiny 1 wasn't on PC, and when Destiny 2 launched people had so many issues with it and the only content really being in the expansions you had to pay for on top of the full game.

Are there any materials or items that I need to be saving in the early game? I know I've played other MMO's and RPGs to just kind of play and use/spend what I get, only to find out later that it's valuable or important. Don't really need massive low down, as I do want to learn the game for myself, but I'd really appreciate it if there was anything I definitely should know before going in

/r/DestinyTheGame Thread