Destiny is disgusted by how Hasan, his editor, and H3H3 tried to vilify Train

Right Train the dude who gives random small streamers thousands of dollars for free is such a terrible dude for having a gambling addiction. Train the dude who gave some random streamer 10k to save his dog the other day. Train the dude who donated $350,000 of his own money into a mental health program which funded 12,000 free therapy sessions for his community. Train the dude who used $100k of his own money to repay people scammed by slicker only to have slicker scam him again by having his friends act like they were scammed by slicker so he could gamble it away again.

Train has issues like fucking everyone else but you literally know nothing about the dude if you think he is a terrible person. Dude's literally given away more money than any other streamer. He donated/gave away 4 million dollars in 2021 alone...

Calling him a terrible person because he's been in the throws of gambling addiction well before he was a streamer is ignorant at best.

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