Destiny and His Orbiters

This is such a weird drawing. At first I thought of it as humorous, but the more I look at it, the weirder it is.

For one thing, the implication with all of the women is that Destiny is using them for sex appeal or for his own sexual gratification, but as far as I know, 3 of the 5 have said that they have not had any sexual relations with him, and he often talks to them without even showing their cameras. I feel like the implication is that he surely can't have them on because he finds them interesting to talk to, and that's a weird, sexist implication to be making.

As if these people don't have any agency in deciding to appear on his stream---newsflash: everyone on the stream is a consenting adult who can leave at any time. If you're too tempted by financial incentive to leave, that's on you, not on Steven. If you keep appearing on stream and saying shit that makes people not like you, and then don't take the hint and decide to keep showing up and appearing on stream, THAT'S ON YOU, NOT ON STEVEN. If you declare "a war" with a subreddit and then people ramp up negatively posting about you, THAT'S ON YOU, NOT ON STEVEN.

At every single point in this moronic crusade, [REDACTED] has made himself out to be the victim when he was the one who kept willingly dragging himself back into this by continuing to participate in these circles, even after the point of "leaving the orbit". Even now, though he has stopped talking to most of the people in streamerworld, he still constantly posts about Destiny and, lo and behold, that's made it so that the community continually retaliates and pushes back as a response. Literally all he has to do is shut the fuck up, and they will go away within a few weeks as the content relating to Destiny dries up, but he won't. So it goes. Ouroboros.

On top of that, it's been several months, so it's wild that they are still obsessed with this and putting forth this much effort into complaining about the same dumb fucking thing repeatedly. Really pretty artwork, arguably a well-made "political cartoon" style image, but holy shit, he didn't throw anyone to the wolves, he just banned [REDACTED] from the sub because he was making it about himself and it was legitimately like a solid third of the content on the sub at the point that the decision was made. It was always intended to be a short ban, mostly to send the message that it would be wise for [REDACTED] to use his own damn subreddit instead of using this one as his home base, but he instead went nuclear and decided that, instead, this had to be some kind of line in the sand, the end of their friendship, and a justification to go as far as to basically fabricate sexual assault claims and then go digging for evidence after he'd already made up a fucked up narrative in his head.

Only one person is the asshole here, and it's [REDACTED].

/r/Destiny Thread Link -