Destiny put his argument in words: "Was Kyle Rittenhouse acting (morally) in self-defense?"

BLM protests are characterized by right-wing media to be composed of black criminals that want to burn buildings down and loot businesses, as opposed to a multi-racial movement protesting police brutality and systemic injustice against black people.

It can be a multi racial movement protesting police brutality and systematic injustice that also has criminals burning down buildings and looting businesses, because that has been happening.

A business that might be vandalized, one with a good field of view, would be the perfect place to set up a blind for someone who accepts the right-wing frame. I'm sure they were very confused and frustrated that no-one took the bait, including the shooter.

If no one took the bait it would be because they were there guarding it. Plenty of places in Kenosha were not so lucky.

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