Developer Update | September 2019

I just had it on Myers myself, only for me it felt mostly good because my internet as killer/host is normally wildly inconsistent. (I only played killer because I had two Myers dailies, which made it worth the risk). There was one moment early-ish in the match when I stalked to a certain point, and then about 5% of that progress immediately disappeared. There was also a moment when EW3 popped earlier than I meant it to, but that was probably just my mistake. Other than that, I was just relieved to see no one was rubberbanding. When the match ended, and it said “Host disconnected” a minute or two into the chat, I was baffled and came here to see what the situation is. I’ll be relieved when we get dedicated servers (so I feel comfortable playing killer more regularly), but that doesn’t mean they’re ready yet.

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