Devin Nunes after Ambassador Sondland's testimony

fuck off with this. republicans forced us to radicalize. after being shut out of governing when we were elected, i'm willing to literally back the democrats in any manner whatsoever to get elected.

I want the liberal trump. I want a guy that's just going to decide that there's no more offshore drilling effective immediately. Someone who allows free crossing at the borders with mexico. Someone who will forcibly take back the sold-off national park land, and pay to restore it. I want a president who's going to up the supreme court seats to 11 or 13, pack them with 25 year old law school grads who are so the most liberal soy-boys you've ever seen -- then work to impeach each and every judge that Trump appointed, and charge them with crimes if they lied to obtain their role.

And that's just to get back to a somewhat-even level when it comes to the rule of law.

"When you make peaceable change impossible, you make violent revolution inevitable." Republicans have not played in good faith in decades. It's time for 20+ years of democrats doing anything and everything to win, at all costs. I guarantee you it'll be better.

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