The diamond hand meme mentality is poisonous to MindMed and will get the company killed.

Guys I've been in MMEDF for a little while now. I also found about about GME on WSB in November and the thesis made sense so I bought in. I don't think there is another GME, I don't think more eyes on MMEDF hurts its short term or long. GME was shorted like no other stock ever had been before,and social media caught on and it became a perfect storm. I just don't think its plausible for that to happen to MMEDF because GME wasn't a pump and dump. People weren't dumb for buying in high (Maybe poor financial decisions because clearly its risky, but if the price wasn't forced to plummet you'd have to think many more people would've made it out okay. If people were allowed to continue buying the stock price would've risen, hedge funds have played that game forever. Anyway, were all here to see the world become a better place or make money, and since they go hand in hand I say lets go to the moon.

/r/MindMedInvestorsClub Thread