Diamond with pests, zero mythics required.

Not OP but, I play a version of this too. I lean into the Sac/blocking side of things for my lines. My worst matchups are Trample and Flying decks. Mill can be tough as pests can be slow to finish.

1: Not in my opinion. The witch is the number one card I want besides a bastion/Vito/Dina. Plumb + Witch with pests becomes a "free" reload and is often a killing blow with Bastion/Dina/Vito.

  1. I used the Snarls for a bit but dropped them all. I use pathways and basics only right now.

  2. SB lessons for me contain 2 Necrotics, 1 Containment, 3 Pest summoning, and 1 prophecy. This is a nice tool kit for major threats but I've been debating switching out 1-2 removal in the MB for a creature wipe. If I can self-wipe with a plumb and then clear the board, rebuilding is decent.

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