DICE, don't forget to fix the Darts Spam. It's worse than the nade spam.

and if anyone is the bad pilot, it is you

Hahaha yes I am the bad pilot, what a load of garbage.

it is easy to fly high above an AA gun and kill the user with the Trench darts while he struggles to hit you consistently

We will skip this one as I'm certain you are joking.

(if you fly high enough, he can't hit you at all!)

I am such an idiot, how did I not think of this at all? Thank you man so much, I will now proceed to spend the entire game at the max altitude and do absolutely nothing to contribute to the round. I am being sarcastic in case you don't catch on.

A tank that pushes an objective against good players will get instantly nailed by a flurry of anti-tank grenades and rockets if they don't drive over mines first.

I think we've already established this is what a bad tank driver is called, one that just bum rushes the flag like an idiot.

Infantry weapons can do damage to planes, sure, but almost never consisently or quickly enough to avoid the trench darts, which are by far the most spammable and cheap fighter loadout.

And why should they be able to quickly avoid it? What are they? The Flash? So what's the point in flying if you get 0 kills? Should I just fly around doing nothing? In that case we should make it so that bullets from infantry go really really slow so that I can just walk out of the way so I don't get shot. Nice idea, dice should hire you. Wait you're the guy who worked on infinite warfare right? Man I loved that game, good job with it. I genuinely loved your idea to put jet packs in the game and make it futuristic.

If anyone is spreading misinformation, it's you.

I have not relayed any misinformation at all, not even you believe that. I fight for the truth and nothing but, I refuse to stand by while people say that AA isn't OP or that planes are OP when they are not, they require insane amounts of skill to require. It took months of consistent piloting before I could stay alive for the entire game and drop 70+ and actually have an impact on the game.

Are you going to recommend players try to snipe out pilots as an effective anti-aircraft strategy?

Why would I recommend this? This would be stupid and ineffective (rhetorical, calm down). Instead the sniper should shoot the wing and in around 1-3 bullets it will break, which means at 85+ health the plane is rendered useless and can be taken out 100% of the time by AA or another plane.

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