We did it

Okay here's my final opinion on this. Many people get offended by the term because they see it as a slur. The reason I don't like it is because it's been used against me multiple times. If you're using it to describe fictional characters, sure go for it. But a lot of people go out of their way to call transgender people traps.

Tbh, I understand you. I really hate the term because people used it against me and a lot of anime fans still do. But hearing you understand that there is negative connotations so you use it with moderation makes it better.

It's really hard to talk ro you too

So first off, sorry for coming off harsh. I don't think you understand what I'm trying to say. I understand why the anime community loves it; I used it a lot too. But then people used it against me because they thought it was funny that I don't pass well. So in the context of that, it's a slur is what I mean. In the context of anime characters, go for it.

My point of my original comment was that I had just learned it was a slur. Even as it was used to degrade me, I didn't know that happened to others too. I 100% hate all the r/traa threads hating on weebs because they took this seriously. So, once again, I apologize. Does what I said make sense?

We never use it to describe trans characters

The problem is a lot of people, especially irl, get away with this. Even if they get downvoted to hell, a lot get away with it.

Including a moderator from a large trans subreddit who suggested the mods unban the word.

I don't think they should be banned. Context matters, is the point I'm trying to make but in the clutter of the anime community, the lines often get blurred.

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