did 50 min LLLT. Dont't feel good

I'm of two minds about that guy. I have discovered myself that he is making some major mistakes in his life and I know objectively and factually that is the case. Aside from that, I think that sometimes goes too far off into outer space with weird ideas that probably don't work.

But at the same time I am extremely grateful for people like him because they are often the only people bringing anything new to the table. The skeptics and pure science minded people keep us shackled to the past.

I've even made purchase decisions based on things that he alone has suggested. I thought his recommendation of purchasing red glasses was brilliant. They use those so that you can see red lasers better, but it completely blocks out blue light, and pretty much turns everything red.

I definitely use that when I am winding down and just want to block out massive amounts of white light. Or sometimes I will just be reading a PDF in the dark and switch the background to black and the text to bright red and put on those glasses and I read for hours on end.

This laser light stuff of actually shining a laser on your head though seems a bit absurd for me at the present moment.

Given the sheer quantity of content on his site, there would be many areas that I would be willing to try that are more likely to work.

The fact that he tries to back things with scientific links is also a redeeming factor.

He is certainly a very interesting person and certainly isn't forcing anyone to think a certain way, I give him enormous commendations for individuality and contributing new solutions. At the same time he does make some extremely harmful recommendations.

For that reason, the wise benefit by him while the less wise are going to be harmed. Tread carefully.

/r/Nootropics Thread