I did it. After 13 years i finally did it

As i said on my previous comment, its very clear thay you're not a teenager; rather an old bimbo whos trying so desperately hard to seem 'rad.'

Go back to your cave. You missed the joke. Thats fine. Throw a hissy-fit for losing internet points? Not fine. You're obvioudly a fully groen adult, so fucking act like one.

you just lost your most successful redditor.

Im sorry what?

I - Go get a job, you burnt spoon. Stop crying over losing internet points and do something with your life.

so im not going to say 'if you doenvote tou have whats coming to you'

But you already did, didnt you? You made a u/ post telling us all to die because we downvoted you. Pathetic bastard, go and fix up your life and stop throwing 2 yo fits because you missed a joke on the internet.

/r/teenagers Thread Parent