Did anyone else dream of moving to America when they were younger, but just think f*ck that?

While i cant agree with how healthcare is run nor how expensive it is, people just dieing all over not being able to afford healthcare isnt really realistic. Normally its part of your job. Its just expensive to pay the bills but part of what you budget. Or if you dont make money, most states have programs that cover health care costs for the poor. There is also medicare and social security that covers costs in certain scenarios.

The real threat is getting stuck in a loop or making too much to not be covered by programs but not enough to reasonably pay the bills trying to hit your deductible. Hitting 3k or 7k in medical bills sucks, but there is a cap on most plans where they 'take care of the rest'. Being poor allows for social programs to kick in and being a vagrant with no id living on the street will get you a medical bill that you will just never pay. Granted the outcome is circular and people get stuck.

I guess to clarify, the healthcare system is pretty terrible and filled with blood sucking middle men, but ive never met someone or heard of anyone who has died from not being able to get emergency treatment. Not taking internet articles into account.

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