Did anyone else feel anxious when they first started?

So the only thing I want to note is that triads are actually just one specific type of relationship that can happen in polyamory, and are usually quite rare. A lot of people have the misconception that being “poly” means being in a triad which is not actually the case for the majority of poly folks. For example, my nesting partner and I live together and date each other, but we also date separately - so I may also date Sarah and James, but my NP does not date them. Polyamory means being open to multiple loving relationships, and consenting that your partners can also have multiple loving relationships, separate from your relationship with them. Hope that all makes sense and comes across as kindly as it is intended :)

Some of the more seasoned commenters/advice givers will probably have some good insight for you, however I would strongly recommend starting with the FAQ of this subreddit, it has lots of great resources for you to read through. I personally really enjoy the book Polysecure, it’s been a huge help for me, especially as someone who’s more on the anxious side :)

/r/polyamory Thread