Did anyone else lose all their friends?

He chased my friends off a long time ago.

When I would have a girls' night out, he would have "something come up" and wouldn't be home with the kids so I could leave. The girls stopped inviting me because I had to cancel so often. One time, I had plans and he asked if he could invite his boys over for a "Game Night". I figured what could go wrong, right? Just having extra men in the house? Nope, he told them to bring their kids and the children could plan in the backyard (inflatable) pools . . . .without any of the dads watching them. He told me it was okay if I leave - with ten little children playing in pools unsupervised. Rica cancelled, again.

If I had people over, he would hover - not talking or hanging out but more like a security guard, staring at my friends and I like he was daring us to talk about anything fun. Needless to say, no one wanted to come over anymore either.

/r/Divorce Thread