Did anyone else not really enjoy the last 3rd of the game?

Well, what did you expect? This is Resident Evil, BOWs are the name of the game. Did you think that they would completely reboot the series and eliminate the defining aspects of the game?

I actually really loved the whole game, including the later third. Sure the horror took a step back towards the end, but the story took a very interesting turn. I never expected BOWs to not be in the game, the Baker family wasn't the only problem before they revealed Eve as the cause. We had to deal with the molded, who certainly led me to believe there was more going on than just a cannibal family trope. There was fan service, but not so much that it felt forced.

Now that I think about it, i feel like I was affected by a different type of horror in the later third of the game. Instead of the massive amount of suspense and fear I felt fleeing the Bakers, I felt suspense and fear at the mystery that revealed itself. Who are the Bakers, really? Who are our characters? What is really going on here? I was motivated in pushing through that strange sequence because the story had taken an incredible turn, and I wanted to see where it lead. Just throwing this out there.

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