Did anyone else’s Shepard go from optimistic Paragon to unhinged by the end of the series? I planned on having a selfless War Hero and she ended up a psycho lol (ME1/2/3 comparison)

My trajectory was close to 50/50 in 1, with renegade edging out because she didn't waste her time playing nice with anyone wasting her time.

In 2 I kinda doubled down on the renegade big time until quite organically after meeting Thane kind of chilled a bit, hearing his perspective about being lost within his own body to his grief etc. Really resonated with the character I was playing there.

3 had a lot of yelling at Admirals and the like to get the job done with the stress of the reaper invasion, but the more level headed side Thane helped to bring out was still there. His prayer for her, again really worked great into the roleplay I had going.

/r/masseffect Thread Link - i.redd.it