Did anyone notice the rule change on /r/LateStageCapitalism? Basic Income posts now banned :/

I might not be understanding the idea but the concept of "take what the proles say they want and then we take that in and then give it back to them even if it looks nothing like what they originally asked for" skeeves me out hardcore

That's not at all what I intended, lmao

  1. The state or a part of it, worker organization etc proposes a policy, as a template. This is the original.

  2. This is then proposed to the people, who deliberate on it themselves, proposing amendments or alternatives

  3. After a time, this information is collected and analyzed, likely by a joint third party and state coalition, to ensure accurate and fair analysis and no corruption in the process

  4. Then, after it has been analyzed, a new policy is drawn up based on the word of the people, and a policy is then proposed and either voted on, or revised again, even if the policy being voted on looks nothing like the one that was originally proposed by the state.

I agree with everything after this though

I think that it's easier to instigate the revolution in the economy before in the state probably.

Not only this but the economy itself will make it inevitable. As we saw in 2008, the boom-bust cycle also contains great crashes as well. We're still not out of the last one. The last time we saw revolutionary conditions was during the Great Depression, and we'll need similar conditions in the modern day to get people moving towards the right changes. Keynesian economics were a lifesaver for the American people, but not enough, as they like all reforms were rolled back eventually.

I think overthrowing capital using the state is going to be hard

(Sorry if I already made this point, I've got a dozen threads on several sites going at any time) Think of the state as a weapon of class war. Whoever has it controls the other class, and can command all capital in the country. The bourgeoisie have it now. If we take it, though, that becomes our weapon to oppress them, and as you said: starve what power they control, cut them off from all sources of capital, collectivizing and nationalizing as we go.

We're mostly in agreement on everything, we just seem to have slightly different perspectives on the state. If you haven't read it already, State and Revolution by Lenin is a good text to read.

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