Did you get banned from SRS? This is the place to bitch about it.

Tl;dr After thinking it is a reasonable and considerate sub, I have been banned from narrow minded, can't take an obvious joke, childish, pussy safe-space that is r/ ShitRedditsays after simply commenting that some of my female classmates are attractive in non-demeaning way whatsoever.

I joined r/ShitRedditSays thinking it is an excellent sub that deals with some of the bigotry and makes fun of highly upvoted offensive comments that I generally see on reddit. I was initially amazed and thinking "oh a progressive sub" and I might have some fun reading some of the sexist, racist and bigoted comments exposed. Unfortunately, I am a relatively new redditor and fell into the noob trap of being initially taking part in a sub filled with weird, narrow and like-minded people. I read the rules but I did not really know what "circle queef" meant (vague definition on sidebar didn't help) so I did not take it seriously. I was stupid enough not to realise it is the female "circle jerk" for feminazis.

Anyhow after some days I do notice SRS-tagged comments that are benign and more like jokes rather than serious statements. This should have been a red flag for me on how hypocritical SRS is for being close-minded. Moreover, I noticed as well that there doesn't seem to be opposing opinions on the sub as every posts seem to be "too nice" innocuous comments. I finally realised I am involved in self-masturbatory and close-minded sub when I have been banned for refuting to what a commenter inferred that attractive girls can't get STEM career so I said there are attractive girls in my pharma biotech class.


I PM the mods politely asking why am I banned and while awaiting for a response, I did some Googling (this is how I found r/SRSsucks) and found that SRS do childishly ban users for differing opinions with others saying this to be a safe space sub. When I finally received a response, indeed it is a feminazi sub affirming that in SRS, my simple comment on the attractiveness of my female classmates resulted in "insta-perma-ben". Are you fucking kidding me?? I can't say that girls can't be good-looking? I wasn't even talking about the women in any overt sexual manner whatsoever! And who the fuck talks like that! It sounds like it was something like a popular high school bitch slut would say! So I can't say anything at all! So after that I replied to it with an open letter stating I am not appealing my ban and I don't want to be in a sensitive and bitchy feminazi sub with its vague authoritarian rule.

This is nonsense and is just as bad as bigotry and narrow mindedness that they have been finger-pointing at. SRS is a joke and a haven of self-masturbation for self-righteous feminazis and SJWs with inflated ego and superiority-complex. It's a hypocritical sub.

Sorry for the rant, I was just disappointed that I put my wrongly placed my faith on a cause which would otherwise have been great.

/r/SRSsucks Thread