Why Do/Did You Want To Become A Navy SEAL?

Last year, I graduated high school about 35 pounds heavier than I am now. Felt like my life was falling into pieces and stumbled across a corny David Goggins video on mental toughness. At this point, I was so broken that I was late to school nearly everyday.

At one point, I remember being so weak-willed that I sat in my car parked outside of my school… force-feeding myself a hoagie and crying as I stared at the building that brought these god-awful memories. After I graduated, I cut off everyone and went on a country-wide road trip. During these few months, I had a lot to think about and reflect on. Started listening to more and more of Goggins’ story, relating to the feeling of nothingness and self-doubt. I felt determined to be someone with my life, so I picked up training.

I still aspire to go OCS after I graduate, so I’ve been steadily training every single day that I’m able to, which is normally 6-7 days a week.

Getting closer and closer to maxing out the PST. It’s been a long journey, and I’m excited for the even longer road ahead of me. Good luck to everyone with similar aspirations!

/r/navyseals Thread