Why I did a complete 180 from being a liberal to being a conservative

I know of me, or at least I shifted from full-on liberal to undecided. Although this is the first time I'm able to vote (legal immigrant ftw) so it could just be that I'm finally having to temper my ideals with pragmatism. Or now that I have a good job and a family I have different priorities when it comes to taxes and the like. I'm much more aligned with conservative views now than I was even 4 years ago. It's hard sometimes though because I'd say I'm a social liberal and a fiscal/national conservative. For example I'm pro-choice and pro-LGBT rights... but also pro-MAGA. The trouble will come down to deciding how much I prioritize each issue. Would I be willing to accept a climate-change denier if it means getting someone who is tougher on illegal immigration? Would I be okay to pick someone who wants to repeal LGBT protections but they're the only one who has spending priorities I agree with? I would love to see an advent of more political parties being represented in the House to allow for more nuanced positions to be represented, but with the way the presidential elections work I don't see that becoming viable without some kind of electoral reform. A dream candidate for me would be someone like a secular humanist conservative and I can't see that arising out of either party right now.

I guess I'm still on the fence here. I'm pro-Bernie in some regards (universal health care and reducing the cost of education at least for citizens) but am doubtful he has what I think the country needs in terms of foreign policy and his plans to get it done financially. After seeing all the outrageous MSM bullshit I'm definitely a lot more amenable to considering a Trump candidacy because it turns out he's more than just the low-context soundbytes that get thrown around. For example I thought he was pretty racist because he made the "illegal immigrants are rapists" comment during a high-profile shooting here in San Francisco and the subsequent issues that ensued under our safe haven laws. Then I saw his followup interview with more context and the data source he used and I understand now what he was saying is a factual statement rather than a racial one. I'm also getting tired of the "fucking white male" view being pushed by the left. There are legitimate disparities and socio-economic problems facing people in this country that need to be addressed, but furthering the racial divide with that kind of rhetoric isn't helping anyone here.

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