Why did you do this, Dad?! Rant thread

There doesn't seem to be a rant thread in the mom sub and I don't feel compelled enough to make a separate post, sorry if this breaks the rules; You don't deserve to be called Mom, you're a mother to me only in the sense that you got knocked up by a married man one evening when you did a little too much coke. I'd be happy to write you off as an egg donor if only you didn't insist on using our situation for sympathy from facebook. Your words are empty, I have a small collection of misguided and guilt ridden letters giving excuses for why you think you should have your cake and eat it too, but then when presented with opportunities to actually be in my life suddenly words fail you. I'm tired of coming to you, I'm tired of being guilted into maintaining a relationship with you when you make it so clear you are never going to match my efforts, I'm tired of you using me as another reason why you're a victim so that strangers can pat you on the back. I hope your son questions why you kept him but abandoned his older sister, and I hope he finds your answer just as confusing as I do.

/r/PepTalksWithPops Thread