Did early ocean travelers have an idea of the "Great Circle" route?

Early travelers across the Atlantic were naturally pushed in a slope toward South America because of the way that the Atlantic Ocean works. Their main concern was keeping their food fresh and their water from stagnating long enough to continue on course. The Phoenicians discovered America, in my opinion, and were the first to experience this... why they have found bronze artifacts in the new world and worship of the same religion (sun god) continued among those who likely went through a dark age and forgot how to sail - more than likely after non-successful voyages (just said forget it), or were too concerned with survival in a hostile place. Plus, all native American peoples strongly resemble Phoenicians. You could say that this is subjective, but I strongly believe it to be true. The Vikings may have taken shorter trips, but without a comparison, it would have little effect on anything. I would think the English would be the first to take note of this, but you have to remember that most age of exploration voyages were more concerned with circumnavigating Africa.

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