Did you hear that the US bobsled team put Donald Trump's picture on the front of the sled?

I really don’t follow the logic here. How is Bidens approval negatively impacted by covid but trumps wasn’t?

Biden’s approval isn’t low because covid. It’s low because he somehow managed to blow up the Middle East at a faster rate than Obama who literally ran out of missiles, being a warmongering money waster that has gone to fulfill about 0 of his campaign promises, can’t even form coherent sentences, and just does whatever his corporate interest groups tell him.

Trumps approval rating was low because Covid, bigotry, narcissism, fanaticism, and civil unrest.

Biden took the reins at the time when he could be the most mediocre president ever and have the most amazing approval ratings we’ve seen in a while (check the beginning of Biden’s administrations approval, it was inflated to the moon and has been steadily falling since day 1)

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