Why did you get involved with GamerGate?

Unnecessarily long reply ahead.

I've been around since the Quinnspiracy threads on 4chan, but my first non-anonymous interaction in support of Gamergate was a polite, carefully-worded reply to someone on Facebook in the beginning of October 2014 which was promptly deleted because soggy knees . I think it had something to do with Intel... This thing's been going for a while, huh? Following that, I shared Lo-Ping's anti-bullying charity drive, but that was about the extent of it; I feared getting hounded and doxxed for supporting Gamergate. Now I just shitpost here with you guys.

Originally, it was about wanting justice for Eron. Obviously, I still want that, but after all the shady links that were uncovered, that became another reason. And then, the DiGRA stuff and all the identity politics... As for why I made this account; I lurked KiA for a very long time, but finally decided to join in after the ridiculous 'Samus is trans' piece and subsequent Twitter meltdown in which one of the co-authors declared that Tails was trans, too. Nobody gets to change my foxbro's identity.

I knew that places like /v/ and ED held feminists and other social justice warriors in contempt, but Gamergate showed me that this sentiment is much more prevalent than I initially believed - and that gaming is a much more diverse place than I had previously considered. That makes the narrative of gaming as a cis white male's club all the more puzzling to me. It was also nice to see people like HelixSnake and TB rejecting the media narrative.

I have learned, in the eternal words of Milo-senpai, that feminism is cancer. Except for Christina Hoff Sommers and a few others, of course. I also didn't realise that all these theories about racism and sexism and stuff were linked. That said... Why did people start chanting Black Lives Matter at senpai's Rutgers lecture, again?

I agree that Gamergate is a force for good. Collusion was uncovered, disclosures were enforced, Gawker ate shit, and we all became a bit more aware of bias in the media as a whole.

/r/KotakuInAction Thread