Did you know? IX is the highest rated FF ever.

  • FF1 - Not worth playing
  • FF2 - Not worth playing
  • FF3 - Good job system, but too tedious to play. Beat it anyway b/c had nothing else to do as a kid.
  • FF4 - My #1 because nostalgia. DS version is best because it's the hardest game in the series. You actually have to repeat boss battles because they're that hard and b/c I'm too cheap to use consumables.
  • FF5 - Similar job system to FF3, but improved. Story isn't very memorable.
  • FF6 - Great game. Half the cast is worthless especially Gau. I remember losing momentum in the second half of the game.
  • FF7 - Great game, but the graphics have not aged well.
  • FF8 - No.
  • FF9 - The most charming cast of characters. Game is too easy. Battle speed is too slow. Battle loading times are too low. It's almost a deal-breaker.
  • FF10 - Playing right now

  • FF Dimensions - Surprisingly good.

/r/FinalFantasy Thread Link - i.redd.it