Did Louis CK warn us about his chronic masturbation? Are jokes obvious on the internet? Are some people just dense? r/agedlikemilk explores the possibilities

Hey, remember that story Schumer told about how while stone sober, she wanted to feel attractive, so she banged a dude who was so drunk he couldn’t focus his eyes and kept falling asleep, but in the story, stone sober Schumer is the victim because her confidence was very low at the time? https://www.vulture.com/2014/05/read-amy-schumers-ms-gala-speech.html

I’m not saying comedy subs, and the whole infrastructure around standup isn’t sexist and misogynistic as fuck - it absolutely is. It’s a real problem. But I’m pretty meh about Schumer for the same reason I’m meh about Cosby. It’s not because Cosby is Black or because Schumer is a woman. It’s just, they’ve both used their history of sexual assault for fucking material, and I can’t laugh at anything in their voice now that I know that shit. https://youtu.be/LAorIG6MZnc

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