Did the MONARCH hatch?

I'm very aware of Fritz Springmeier and his writings. I do know what it is, but you are speaking as if every single project uses the same formula. They don't, you are over simplifying things to an extreme. And if you were ever in the CIA like you claim you were you would know that unless you are the one purposely spreading dissinformation?

How anyone is able to believe some dude on reddit is "ex-CIA," alive and not trying to hide it while collecting welfare checks is beyond me. If you were involved in these programs then I feel bad for you, because you still haven't realized that you are still being used. If you are pretending to be one of these people for the karma or whatever the fuck then fuck you because reading about this shit, gallivanting around like you know it all and spreading disinformation is how shitheads like you get popular while dismissing the truth and those who have actually been through these things.

Seriously though, fuck people like you. You people think that reading this shit is going to give you all the insight into what those programs are like and then go around pretending to be "victims." You have no idea of the struggles these people go through on a daily basis! Do yourself a favor and go to a library and read shit that will actually help you get the fuck off of government assistance (because it's not actually there to assist you, just to keep you needy). Asshole

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