Did Muhammed actually predict things?

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"The faulty Predictions/Prophecies argument

There have been plenty of criticisms of this argument. I just thought I'd give a brief summary of them...

  1. Often the predictions of religions or past individuals, including Islamic prophecies, are vague, false and or self fulfilling.

  2. Furthermore, you can't trust these predictions were actually made by Muhammad in light of the biased and unreliable history of Islam, some could have easily been invented in hindsight, by later cult followers, after Islamic expansion and success.

  3. Finally, to use (or more often is the case with Muslims and other religionists) the cherry picking of feasible or true predictions/prophecies and the deliberate ignorance of unfeasible and false ones, as evidence of a deity or a 'divine prophet', is not only disingenuous but a non sequitur fallacy. Predictions/prophecies, prove nothing more than predictions/prophecies. Anyone can do it. Nor do predictions/prophecies negate the derivative, harmful, nonsensical and unsubstantiated claims of Islam, the ultimate confirmation of a false prophet preaching fiction.




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