Did my husband rape me?

I’m glad he’s been helpful with the birth of your beautiful daughter, but this is not okay. Please don’t allow this. This is absolutely not your fault and you shouldn’t at all feel bad for the way you reacted as any woman would have felt the same way. Though it’s clear your husband cares when he calls himself that now, and tears up mentioning it, it’s also clear that he needs help somehow with managing his sexual frustrations as they clearly got the better of him. As you said it’s doubtful your husband would ever do this maliciously, but unfortunately he still did. This actually made me tear up as a fellow female, not that I’ve had any children or anything but just the thought of it absolutely shattered my heart. I think this is something that needs to be spoken about and reflected on for prevention of it ever happening again, because it is absolutely not on whatsoever and I can’t imagine what you’re feeling. Whether it’s just chats between the two of you to understand what’s happened, or therapy, I hope this can be fixed soon and your husband has realised his wrongs and what he needs to work on immediately. Sending hugs & good luck!

/r/TwoXChromosomes Thread