Why did new Labour allow such high levels of immigration?

I'm mean, you don't see at least a hint of irony that your solution to your observation that there aren't enough economically active natively born British people is to emigrate for work elsewhere? I mean, really? Came back here you fucking coward.

Do you have comprehension issues? I literally said:

Every single day I move closer to returning to my home to fight it because to me, that is the only way forward, even if it means it results in death. You can't keep running forever.

As I'm not a US citizen, and I am a UK one, the best place to do that is in the UK.

I will be returning. Also, and no it's not ironic really. I pay taxes into the UK system, and my children will be British citizens, so I have an active role and stake in the society.

Also, moving abroad gave me an outside perspective on how things actually are there, instead of being trapped in the bubble and island mentality that so many people in the UK actually are.

Considering I am still pretty young myself in the grand scheme of things, that perspective and being able to look in from further afield is priceless. No man ever won an actual war without winning the war in his own head first.

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