Did New Seasons hire a union busting firm once used by Trump?

This trend of massive market consolidation is terrible for the consumer and cities like Portland need to get aggressive in fighting the 1%, we need city wide broadband to maintain net neutrality and we need leaders who reflect these ideals.

This is Capitalism. It is a literal desire to grow and continue growing in perpetuity. You could blame Comcast or Amazon or whomever, but until you kill this desire of limitless growth, this will continue on and on. Antitrust isn't a concern much, Large conglomerates know exactly how to manipulate markets to appear non-monopolistic. The change in copyright is great evidence for this. The increase in copyright extensions is not helping creativity, but people long since dead and whomever holds the rights. That is bad for innovation on every level, but also costs a fuck ton in licensing and legal expenses, even for you and me since we pay for it in monopolistic prices and enforcement.

Capitalism is a form of evolution. Not sure how to eradicate it, other than stop participating in it.

/r/Portland Thread Parent