Did I pass my shit test?

My new position involves a lot of speaking now. I have it down to a science.

Inner Game:

You are your own judge, not qualifying or DEERing my self to anyone, owning the frame - I came up with a frame- based way to feel like a boss- involves walking away from the podium (not doing like everyone else does and clench the fuck out of the podium), focusing on providing value, reframing “presentation” as giving value or showing/providing information, make the material my own, putting my own razors edge on it, keep a journal and write down notes afterwards about how it went and lessons Learned, in the beginning I did a lot of visualization based on pycho cybernictis book ( Dr Maltz)- you can never be better than the your own self image - the picture you have of yourself in you mind- because it’s like a thermostat set at a certain image and is programmed to maintain that set point/image. read that book if you never heard it of. I visualized myself feeing confidence and going through each slide , answering questions, etc. it all seems silly now, looking back, it’s natural now for me but I was a hard case newbie with really bad anxiety. Shit was a game changer.

Outer Game:

Practicing until I know each slide and what I’ll say - think through want I want to say before hand, come up with possible questions on slide slide and answers beforehand, write notes at bottom of slides, use lots of charts and graphs (not busy/wordy slides) talk to the slides, have a go-to blurb if I don’t know wtf the question is about, practice in the actual presentation room behind the podium at lunch time or after work, get used to being behind the podium and some light walming from left to right side of screen, practice slowing down at my own pace, no need to rush.

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